50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (2024)

Summer is finally here! During this time, we don’t have much choice but to spend a lot of time with our kids at home. We must keep the kids entertained for these months and present them with fun indoor activities or outdoor games for the summer days.

Spending the day doing nothing makes the kids go bored out of their minds. Here are a list of fun indoor and outdoor activities for toddlers during the summer!

50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (1)

Ideas for Children’s Summer Activities

Our kids get out of school in less than a week! I’m looking forward to having no schedules and plenty of time for the kids to run wild in the backyard.

While we don’t do “activities” every day and they spend a lot more time just playing on their own, it’s fun to have some kid activities to either do with them or tell them how to do.

If you’re planning on making a summer camp for your toddlers, this list will help. And while we call these summer activities, you can also bring this list out on rainy days too!

And while science experiments, water balloons, paper plates, and movie nights sound appealing, let’s spice up your summer activities with these fun and unique ideas. So get your ice creams out, because this is going to be an awesome summer!

What Are Good Summer Activities?

We’ve come up with a list of 50 Free Summer Activities for kids. We certainly don’t expect anyone to do all 50, but we hope this list adds some fun to your summer without breaking the bank. Along with it, we’re sharing our favorite summer Stride Rite shoes.

First, in prepping for an active fun summer, we want to share our favorite summer shoes: Stride Rite Phibian. The Phibian is a sneaker sandal that’s part of Stride Rite’s made2play line.We got them for all of our kiddos last summer and loved them. They are outstanding for a day at the pool to travel to hiking.

Our kids love them enough to wear them every day. They’re so easy to clean that even after wearing them every day of the summer, they still look great. We were excited to see all the new colors and styles Phibian came out with this year. My girls especially loved seeing a Mary Jane style to choose from!

The Stride Rite Phibian shoe is perfect for summer. It allows kids to get outside and play. They can run in the yard, play in the sand, & jump in the ocean all with their new Phibian sandal sneakers.

This shoe is one that your kids can truly wear all summer long. All shoes are shown in this post at Stride Rite Phibian shoes.

Now for the list of fun activities! The first half of the list is exceptional for all ages but especially little ones and then, as the list goes on, I geared the activities towards slightly older kids.

50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (2)

2. Go on a picnic
3. Run through the sprinkler
4. Go to a playground
5. Pretend to paint the house or deck (with water & a paintbrush)

50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (3)
6. Wash the car
7. Shaving Cream Paint
8. Make Pool Noodle Boats
9. Collect Rocks and paint them
10. Go to the beach and try these 10 activities
11. Make a ripped paper craft (like this watermelon)
12. Make a toy bubble bath in the water table
13.Bubble paint (see the post for details)
14. Make mud puddles and jump in them

50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (4)
15. Make a car wash for toy cars, trucks and trains
16.Freeze Dance in the Sprinkler
17. Have a pretend campout (see this list of fun camping activities)

50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (5)
18. Tea party
19. Trace the kids with sidewalk chalk
20. Beach Ball Soccer
21. Car Wash for the Cozy Coupe, bikes, etc

22. Make an indoor spa day
23. Play hopscotch

50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (6)
24. Write a letter to a friend and mail it
25. Catch fireflies
26. Do Mad Libs (here’s a free one to print)
27. Play charades
28. Have a movie theater in the house
29. Play library: set up books and read aloud
30. Go hiking
31. Make Paper Airplanes
32. Make a fairy garden

50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (7)
33. Have a lemonade stand
34. Have a garage sale
35. Go on an ABC scavenger hunt (find something for every letter of the alphabet)
36. Start a book club

50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (8)
37. Make a time capsule
38. Put on a play
39. Dry flowers (press them in a book for a week)
40. Play pool noodle baseball
41. Make DIY Spray Chalk
42. Water Tag with Water Balls
43. Ride Bikes in Sprinkler
44.Play catch

50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (9)
45. Sidewalk Chalk or Yard Obstacle Course
46. Make a Bird Feeder

47. Have a board game day
48. Go Fishing
49. Play Simon Says
50. Ride bikes and scooters

50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (10)

Last, but not least:

Let them “be bored”. It’s ok for kids to be bored in the summer. That’s when they’ll come up with their own “free summer activities” and get creative outdoors. Happy summertime!

And feel free to print the list!

50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (11)

*Note: While we call them free summer activities, some require supplies you may or may not have at home and therefore could add some cost. If you want totally free activities, skip the ones that require supplies!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post as part of our ambassadorship with Stride Rite. While we have been compensated, all thoughts and ideas are our own. Thank you for supporting the site!

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50 Free Summer Activities for Kids At Home - The Chirping Moms (2024)


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