7 Fun Indoor Scavenger Hunt Ideas You Can Do At Home - Little Day Out (2024)

7 Fun Indoor Scavenger Hunt Ideas You Can Do At Home - Little Day Out (1)

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Are the children getting on one another’s nerves? Or are you getting disrupted because of the excess energy the children have? How about getting some scavenger hunt ideas to do at home? Getting children to find various objects is fantastic in encouraging their observation skills, motor skills and also memory.

If you are celebrating a virtual birthday, you can even hide the presents and get the child plus siblings to hunt for the birthday goodies. Best of all, these indoor scavenger hunt ideas are weather proof, simple and does not require any additional tools. Double the fun by playing it virtually with friends and family! Simply give them the same list and start the timer. Fastest team to find all the objects win!

Get ready for some fun indoor scavenger hunt ideas at home!

Scavenger Hunt Ideas At Home

1. Rainbow Hunt

7 Fun Indoor Scavenger Hunt Ideas You Can Do At Home - Little Day Out (2)Everyone knows the colours of the rainbow. How about doing a rainbow scavenger hunt? Write name of the colours of the rainbow on separate pieces of paper. Line them on the floor. Set the timer to 5 minutes and get the children to find as many objects as possible for each colour.

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To encourage the use of a second language, you can also make a list of colours in another language or dialect!

2. Alphabet Hunt

7 Fun Indoor Scavenger Hunt Ideas You Can Do At Home - Little Day Out (6)Another very inclusive scavenger hunt idea that even the youngest can participate in is the alphabet hunt. You can pick just one alphabet to focus on or selected alphabets. The rule simple – find an object that begins with various alphabets. For the letter T, for instance, they can present a top or a telephone. To raise the challenge, get the children to find objects ending with the particular alphabet instead. For the letter B, they will have to find a tub or bulb.

3. Gratitude Hunt

What is one way to stay positive this season? Count our blessings! Launch the gratitude hunt to stir up thankfulness and focusing on the good. Instead of merely finding, the children can thank people for being “someone they are grateful for” or give a “loved one we missed seeing” a call. We love how this hunt is all about being thankful.

4. Numbers & Maths Scavenger Hunt

7 Fun Indoor Scavenger Hunt Ideas You Can Do At Home - Little Day Out (7)

A great way to practise those numeracy skills is a hunt based on numbers. The younger children can probably get the easier challenges finding numbers on various household items (except clocks or calculators). You can also use this to practice geometry skills. Older ones can probably find other elements like charts, graphs, decimals in magazines. Get Math scavenger hunt templates.

Related to the Math scavenger hunt is the Shapes hunt. How about take note of various shapes found at home? Get your child to take pictures of all the different shapes you have written or drawn out. You will be surprised how many shapes there are. Next, count the number of shapes and plot a chart or how many of each shape you can find.

5. Hunt “Something that….”

Make your own list with random items that gets the child searching all over the home – something that moves, something that squeaks, something that is smaller than a coin, something that shows a scene from the past. Be creative and think of items that are harder to find and it will keep your child busy searching.

6. “When Dad/Mum’s on a Work Call” Hunt

The next time you are on a Zoom call, give your child a list of words or phrases to listen out for. Rules include staying out of sight, staying further than a 2 metre radius and being silent while hunting. Suggested words are “Zoom”, “Can you hear me?”, “Is your video on?”, “screen is frozen”, “hello”, “discuss” and “government”.

7. Celebratory Scavenger Hunt

How about celebrating with an elaborate scavenger hunt? Do it escape room style with using hints and clues in the home. For instance, using photographs in the room, one question can be based on the number of faces in the room and dates of photographs. Use household objects and toys to help form hints. While slightly harder to plan, the satisfaction of seeing your children’s clueless faces will be well worth it as you play “gamemaster”.

Happy hunting!

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7 Fun Indoor Scavenger Hunt Ideas You Can Do At Home - Little Day Out (2024)


7 Fun Indoor Scavenger Hunt Ideas You Can Do At Home - Little Day Out? ›

Some creative ideas for an indoor scavenger hunt that is fun for all ages include using emoji clues, making it a themed hunt like a movie or a book, incorporating riddles or puzzles, hiding items in unexpected places, creating a virtual scavenger hunt using apps or online platforms, and making it a team competition.

What are some good indoor scavenger hunt riddles? ›

Some good scavenger hunt clues for kids include:
  • If you want to eat, then take a seat! (Dining room chair)
  • One of me per day keeps the doctor away. (Apple)
  • I can't mix batter, but I can bake a cake. (Oven)
  • I come in pairs, I'm easy to lose, I go between your feet and your shoes. (Socks)
Nov 30, 2022

How do you make a fun scavenger hunt at home? ›

How to play:
  1. Create a list of things to find, hear or do. ...
  2. Create a time limit (optional).
  3. Give children the list and let them scavenge around and find, smell or do all of the things on their list.
  4. The player or team who ticks everything off on their list first, or ticks off the most items before the time is up, wins.

How to do an indoor scavenger hunt? ›

How to Make an Indoor Scavenger Hunt
  1. Decide whether to write a single checklist or to hide the clues. ...
  2. Choose a scavenger hunt theme. ...
  3. Write your scavenger hunt list. ...
  4. Hide the items around the house. ...
  5. Share the hunting rules. ...
  6. Set a time limit for searching. ...
  7. Encourage kids to work as a team. ...
  8. End with a snack break.
Feb 4, 2021

What is a bed without sheets and I'm always dirty? ›

Flowerbed. I'm a bed without sheets and always dirty.

How do you make clever clues for a scavenger hunt? ›

40 best clues for your ultimate scavenger hunt
  1. You cut me on a table, but I'm never eaten. ...
  2. A band that doesn't play instruments but has plenty of styles. ( ...
  3. Everything ends with me. ...
  4. How many glasses of water can one drink on an empty stomach? ( ...
  5. I am not a lamp, but I can light up. ...
  6. I am not an organ, but I have 13 hearts.
Oct 12, 2022

What are good scavenger hunt questions? ›

The 35 Best Scavenger Hunt Clues for Adults
  • If I'm on the road, you'll have a decision to make. ...
  • I am two things: an instrument and a shape. ( ...
  • Looking for the best way to avoid the doctor's office? ...
  • I don't move; however, you may find me running around your backyard but never in the house. (
May 6, 2022

How to do a cute scavenger hunt? ›

Some creative ways to make sure the scavenger hunt is super personalized include: displaying pictures of the two of you throughout the hunt, incorporating inside jokes, nicknames, and shared memories in the clues, sending them to meaningful locations for clues (like where you had your first date), or having a pet help ...

How do you make an interactive scavenger hunt? ›

This engaging activity makes learning fun and helps students solidify their knowledge.
  1. Step 1: Define Your Objectives. ...
  2. Step 2: Select Your Clue Locations. ...
  3. Step 3: Create Your Google Form.
  4. Step 4: Create QR Codes for Each Location.
  5. Step 5: Organize Your Scavenger Hunt.
  6. Step 6: Run the Scavenger Hunt.
  7. Step 7: Assess Learning.
Nov 1, 2023

How to make a scavenger hunt for adults at work? ›

How do you create an office scavenger hunt? First, start with creating a list of items, riddles, locations, etc. that employees will need to find, solve, or visit. Next, break your office into teams or individuals who will work on their own list and compete against others.

How do you make a gift scavenger hunt? ›

Grab a few Post-it® Super Sticky Notes to write the clues on. Clues should be linked to memorable places or objects throughout the house, eventually leading to the gift's hiding spot. If you have more than one gift, try hiding different presents along the way with clues that eventually lead to the most important one.

What is needed for a scavenger hunt? ›

Items You'll Need
  • Pencils or crayons.
  • Bags or boxes for collected items (or a phone or camera if taking photos of items instead of collecting)
  • Printed list of nature-themed scavenger hunt items and experiential activities.
  • Healthy snacks or prizes.

How many items are on the scavenger hunt? ›

If you're running the hunt for kids and want it to be relatively short, you should not have more than 10 items, as it will become overwhelming for them. However, if you're aiming for a longer game with adults who can quickly decipher clues, your items could range anywhere from 20 to 50.

How can I make my scavenger hunt more interesting? ›

Some creative ideas for an indoor scavenger hunt that is fun for all ages include using emoji clues, making it a themed hunt like a movie or a book, incorporating riddles or puzzles, hiding items in unexpected places, creating a virtual scavenger hunt using apps or online platforms, and making it a team competition.

How to do a scavenger hunt at home for adults? ›

How To Plan Your Own Scavenger Hunt
  1. Choose your location(s) and time. ...
  2. Pick a theme. ...
  3. Create your lists and riddles. ...
  4. Hide the clues and/or objects. ...
  5. Write your riddles/clues. ...
  6. First one to solve all the clues and grab the final object/figures out the end result wins!

How to make treasure hunt clues at home? ›

Plan your clues.

In contrast, younger players may enjoy fun clues like rhymes. If there are very young players, you can just use pictures as clues. Choose the number of clues according to how much time you have and how many players are participating. Try to make the clues stick to the theme of your treasure hunt.

How to make a riddle scavenger hunt? ›

How To Plan Your Own Scavenger Hunt
  1. Choose your location(s) and time. ...
  2. Pick a theme. ...
  3. Create your lists and riddles. ...
  4. Hide the clues and/or objects. ...
  5. Write your riddles/clues. ...
  6. First one to solve all the clues and grab the final object/figures out the end result wins!

What is five senses scavenger hunt? ›

The five senses scavenger hunt helps us explore the world around us using all five senses — sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. This activity helps kids to calm their bodies and minds and come into the present moment. It can be especially helpful when kids feel scared, worried, anxious, or stressed.

What is the worlds greatest scavenger hunt? ›

The largest scavenger hunt consists of 3,040 participants and was achieved at an event organized by Gyeonggi Provincial Government and Uniquegood Company (South Korea) in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, on 12 November 2023.


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