Prescription Safety Eyeglasses & Sunglasses | (2024)

HomeShop by Frame TypeSafety Glasses

Our collection of prescription safety glasses includes an array of frames styles that meet American National Standards Institute (ANSI) requirements, and meet or exceed current Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards. Protect your eyes on the job and enjoy the optical clarity you need.

166 items




      Virtual Try-On


      1 colorWiley X WX Valor Prescription Sunglasses1531449310778780Wiley XFrame: $72
      3 colorsWiley X P-17 Prescription Sunglasses1485858131110021573Wiley XFrame: $93
      1 colorWiley X WX Peak Prescription Sunglasses10006134310783821Wiley XFrame: $93
      3 colorsWiley X WorkSight WX Epic with Side Shields Prescription Sunglasses10020371110800436Wiley X WorkSightFrame: $154.50
      3 colorsWiley X WX Ovation Prescription Sunglasses10039796110822748Wiley XFrame: $103
      1 colorWiley X WX Saint Prescription Sunglasses5006532110763162Wiley XFrame: $70
      2 colorsWiley X WX Kingpin Prescription Sunglasses10027859310810530Wiley XFrame: $93
      3 colorsWiley X WorkSight WX Judge with Side Shields Prescription Sunglasses10034129210816253Wiley X WorkSightFrame: $154.50
      1 colorWiley X Slay Prescription Sunglasses1530157310739645Wiley XFrame: $93
      1 colorWiley X WX Boss Prescription Sunglasses10011300210789727Wiley XFrame: $117
      1 colorWiley X Romer III Prescription Sunglasses10024974110806544Wiley XFrame: $72
      2 colorsWiley X AirRage Prescription Sunglasses1486859129410021580Wiley XFrame: $117
      3 colorsWiley X Saber Advanced Prescription Sunglasses10028766510810043Wiley XFrame from: $66
      1 colorWiley X WX Omega Prescription Sunglasses10011302110789731Wiley XFrame: $93
      3 colorsWiley X WX Gravity Prescription Sunglasses1531442310741633Wiley XFrame from: $117
      1 colorWiley X WX Rebel Prescription Sunglasses10001297110775979Wiley XFrame: $93
      2 colorsWiley X WorkSight WX Profile with Side Shields Prescription Sunglasses10014615110793916Wiley X WorkSightFrame: $154.50
      2 colorsWiley X WorkSight WX Axis with Side Shields Prescription Sunglasses10027670110808786Wiley X WorkSightFrame: $186
      2 colorsWiley X WorkSight WX Contour with Side Shields Prescription Sunglasses10014613110793904Wiley X WorkSightFrame: $154.50
      3 colorsWiley X WX Contend Prescription Sunglasses10034952310817179Wiley XFrame: $93
      2 colorsWiley X WorkSight WX Fusion with Side Shields Prescription Sunglasses10027669110808790Wiley X WorkSightFrame: $186
      2 colorsWiley X Brick Prescription Sunglasses1490863165310021578Wiley XFrame: $117
      1 colorWiley X Aspect Prescription Sunglasses10027858110808996Wiley XFrame: $93
      2 colorsWiley X SG-1 Prescription Sunglasses1481854156210768990Wiley XFrame: $78


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        Additional Information About Prescription Safety Glasses

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        Prescription Safety Glasses Vs. Prescription Glasses

        Eye protection should be on your radar, especially if you work in an environment that requires you to wear safety glasses. Regular prescription glasses are not replacements for protective eyewear—the frames aren't built to withstand high impact in work situations or home workshop, nor do they cover enough area to keep your eyes safe from workplace hazards. Prescription safety glasses can be considered protective eyewear only if the frames and lenses meet certain requirements established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). OSHA enforces occupational health and safety standards while ANSI establishes manufacturing standards. offers a variety of prescription and non-prescription safety glasses to protect your eyes on the job.

        Paying For Prescription Safety Glasses

        Depending on your provider, your insurance company may cover prescription eyewear, including prescription safety glasses. You may also be able to use your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Spending Account (HSA) to purchase protective eyewear from Contact us with questions about choosing the right prescription safety glasses for you.

        Prescription Safety Glasses FAQs

        Prescription Safety Glasses vs. Prescription Glasses

        Eye protection should be on your radar, especially if you work in an environment that requires you to wear safety glasses. Regular prescription glasses are not replacements for protective eyewear and do not qualify as safety glasses—the frames and lenses aren't built to withstand high impact in work situations or home workshop, nor do they cover enough area to keep your eyes safe from workplace hazards. Prescription safety glasses can be considered protective eyewear only if the frames and lenses meet certain requirements established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). OSHA enforces occupational health and safety standards while ANSI establishes manufacturing standards. offers a variety of prescription and non-prescription safety glasses to protect your eyes on the job.

        What Are Z87 Safety Glasses?

        Z87.1-2015 Glasses (or just Z87 for short) are eyeglasses that meet the minimum requirement for eye protection as defined by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). This includes protection against impact, non-ionizing radiation, and liquid splash exposure.

        Do Prescription Safety Glasses Have to Be Stamped Z87?

        Yes, you can tell which glasses are safety glasses if the glasses frame and/or lens is stamped with Z87 or Z87+ to show that the glasses meet ANSI standards for Z87 safety glasses certification.

        Do Employers Have to Pay for Prescription Safety Glasses?

        According to a 2008 OSHA rule, employers are not required to pay for non-specialty prescription safety glasses, though they are encouraged to do so.

        Do Prescription Safety Glasses Have UV Protection?

        Not all prescription safety glasses offer UV protection, and even if they do, the level of UV protection varies. Brands like Wiley X offer performance tinted prescription lenses that provide as much UV protection as their best sunglasses.

        Can I Get Tinted Prescription Safety Glasses?

        Yes, brands like Wiley X offer a variety of tints in their prescription safety glasses models. These tints come in a range of colors for different lighting situations. Photochromic (or Transitions™) lenses are also available in some prescription safety glasses models. These lenses change tints as light conditions change.

        Can I Get Progressive Prescription Safety Glasses?

        Yes, prescription safety glasses are available at in both progressive lenses and distance/single vision lenses.

        Which Prescription Safety Glasses are Best for Me?

        The best prescription safety glasses for you fit well, and meet or exceed the safety demands of your job. If you work mostly outdoors, you’ll want to consider tinted prescription lenses (or prescription safety sunglasses).

        Do Prescription Safety Glasses Expire?

        As ANSI and OSHA update their standards, it is possible that older prescription safety glasses will expire. If you have an older pair of prescription safety glasses, you should make sure they are stamped with a Z87 or Z87+ mark. It is also possible that if your glasses become damaged, they will no longer meet ANSI and OSHA standards.

        How Do I Keep My Safety Glasses From Fogging Up?

        The best way to prevent fogging on your safety glasses is to order a pair with an anti-fog coating applied to the lenses. Brands like Wiley X offer this treatment for their lenses. Oil and dirt from your fingers can allow fog to build up on your lenses. So in addition, you should regularly clean your lenses with a soft microfiber cloth that won’t scratch them.

        Where Can I Buy Safety Glasses and Prescription Safety Glasses? is the best place to buy safety glasses. With a wide selection of prescription and non-prescription options in safety glasses from brands like Wiley X, Caterpillar Safety, and Titmus, that meet the Z87 certification, you’re sure to find safety glasses that satisfy your needs.

        How Much Do Safety Glasses and Prescription Safety Glasses Cost?

        Basic safety glasses that meet Z87 standards start at around $40. Prescription safety glasses start at around $50 for the frames and about $120 for distance/single vision lenses, making the total starting price about $170. As you add lens coatings, or choose progressive lenses, the price can increase from there to around $300 or more, depending on your preferences.

        Does FSA/HSA or Insurance Cover Prescription Safety Glasses?

        Depending on your provider, your insurance company may cover prescription eyewear, including prescription safety glasses. You may also be able to use your Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Spending Account (HSA) to purchase protective eyewear from Contact us with questions about choosing the right prescription safety glasses for you.

        Still need help? Contact our customer service team staffed by trained opticians, each of them dedicated to helping you find the right pair of designer reading glasses. We can suggest the frames that best match your face shape and lifestyle, assist you in entering your prescription information, or help you determine the correct size and magnification for your non-prescription readers. Order online at with confidence.

        Prescription Safety Eyeglasses & Sunglasses | (2024)


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        Author: Eusebia Nader

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        Author information

        Name: Eusebia Nader

        Birthday: 1994-11-11

        Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

        Phone: +2316203969400

        Job: International Farming Consultant

        Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

        Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.