The BEST Busy Mom Workout Schedule (with sample programs!) (2024)

Lose weight, build muscle, and tone up, with this busy mom workout schedule! This at-home workout routine is perfect for new moms struggling to find time for exercise.

Learn how to find time to work out, how many times you should work out each week and what a busy mom workout program should look like. Then, find some space and get to work!

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As a and busy mom of three, I've seen the struggle first hand when it comes to setting a workout schedule with kids.

And I won't lie, it's not easy and it takes some getting used to.

However, once you have a good training program on hand and you use the tips below to learn how to work out with kids in the gym, it gets easier!

Use the workout schedule and sample programs below and follow along with the tips for fitting a training program into a busy schedule.

Hint: things like a 10 minute workout for moms helps immensely on busy days!

The Busy Mom Workout Schedule

Monday: Lower Body Strength

Tuesday: Upper Body Strength

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday: Full Body Strength

Friday: Rest Day

Saturday: At Home Cardio HIIT

Sunday: Rest Day

This workout schedule allows you to target all the major muscle groups in your body while still giving your muscles the rest time they need.

The workouts themselves are done in just thirty minutes and can be done at home with just a set of dumbbells (though some of the workouts use just your bodyweight!).

Scroll down to grab the details of each workout program and of course, fuel up with these healthy snacks for busy moms afterward!

How To Find Time As A Busy Mom To Work Out

Listen, I get it. Between diapers, toddlers' play groups, naps, a messy house, and ALL THE THINGS, it's not easy to find time for fitness.

But "not easy" doesn't mean it's not doable to exercise regularly. Finding small pockets to fit in quick workouts for busy moms can work too.

But for something more strategic, below are a few crucial tips to rocking a busy mom workout schedule!

Expect Less

STOP thinking that your workout needs to be 45-60 minutes in length and that it will happen uninterrupted. It won't.

Instead, aim for 20-30 minutes and know that it's okay to stop and change a baby, read a book, or do a silly dance. That's all part of the system when working out with kids.

Likewise, because time is always a factor, this is one of the reasons every mom should work out at home.

Be Strategic

If you're working out with your kids, you need a bit of a plan.

Meaning, have toys that they only use in the gym (so that they're excited by them), work out while they're eating breakfast or lunch in a bumbo, or put on a show.

Don't try and only squeeze workouts into naptimes. For one, there's always too much to do during naptime and two, long naps don't exist (at least not in my house!). Yous et yourself up for frustration.

Get Up Earlier

No one wants to hear this. Sorry. For working moms with a busy schedule your options for a fitness routine are to do it early or late.

And late night workouts rarely happen.

Instead, try getting into the habit of getting up twenty minutes earlier (if your kids are awake give them breakfast while you work out!), and doing it before work.

Remember, workouts don't have to be long they just need to happen.

Show Up

This is the most important part. Your workout routine will rarely go as planned. Know that something is always better than nothing and showing up counts.

Busy Mom Workout Routine

This workout schedule is split into four workout days with an emphasis on strength training.

Strength training as a mom is crucial to prevent injuries, lose weight, and keep up with your kids (learn more about the benefits of resistance training).

They workouts themselves take under thirty minutes to complete and some of them under twenty.

The goal is to use functional strength training to hit every major muscle group and give you the biggest bang for your buck time wise.

This means there's an emphasis in the basic movements moms need to master, exercises for the posterior chain (back of the body). The exercises are all low impact (no jumping!) and can be done by beginners or those used to training.

You find many bicep curls here, instead, these at home workouts are geared towards the exercises that hit the most muscle groups at once.

Monday: Leg Day

A1. Paused Goblet Squats x10

A2. Side lying hip raise x8/side

x3 sets with 45 seconds rest between sets

B1. Dumbbell Hip Thrust x12

B2. ½ Kneeling Parlof Press x5/side

B3. Plank Dips x30s

x3 sets with 45 seconds rest between sets

C1. Sliding Hamstring Curls x10

x2 sets with thirty seconds rest between sets

To perform the leg workout: perform the goblet squats and hip raises back to back for the reps listed. Rest for 45 seconds and repeat the exercises back to back. Do this for a total of three rounds before moving on to the "B" grouping.

Tuesday: Upper Body

A1. Inverted Pike Press x6

A2. 1 Arm Dumbell Row x10/arm

A3. Superman with arm row x8

x3 rounds with 45 seconds rest between sets

B1. Eccentric Push Up x5

B2. Toe taps x30s

x2 rounds with 30 seconds rest between sets.

C1. Rocking Plank x30s

x2 rounds with 20 seconds rest between sets.

To perform the upper body workout: perform the presses, rows, and supermans back to back for the reps listed. Rest for 45 seconds and repeat the exercises back to back. Do this for a total of three rounds before moving on to the "B" grouping.

Thursday: Full Body Strength

A1. Bulgarian Split Squat x8/leg

A2. Towel pulls x5

A3. Clamshells x15/side

x3 rounds with 45 rest between sets

B1. Feet Elevated Glute Bridge x15

B2. Dumbbell Pull Over x8

B3. Bear Crawls x20 seconds

x2 rounds with 45 seconds rest between sets.

To perform the total body workout: perform the first three exercises back to back for the reps listed. Rest for 45 seconds and repeat the exercises back to back. Do this for a total of three rounds before moving on to the "B" grouping.

Saturday: Cardio HIIT At Home

A1. Dumbbell Squat & press x10

A2. Reverse Plank To Pike x20s

A3. 1 Arm Dumbbell Row x8/arm

A4. Step Out Lunge x20s/leg

A5. Rolling Squat x30s

How to perform the at home HIIT workout: perform all the exercises back to back for the repetitions listed. At the end of the rolling squats, rest for 60 seconds and then repeat the circuit for a total of three times through.

The BEST Busy Mom Workout Schedule (with sample programs!) (2)

Workout Equipment For Busy Moms

There is no one thing that is going to make or break your workouts. In fact, you can get fit with a variety of equipment.

For busy moms setting up at home I recommend any combination of the following:

  • Resistance bands and a mini loop
  • 1 set of dumbbells
  • One or two kettlebells
  • A yoga mat
  • TRX Suspension straps

Learn more about the most cost effective gym equipment for small spaces but know that you can make anything work.

It's not the equipment, its the consistency.

Frequently Asked Questions About Busy Mom Workouts

How do busy moms find time to work out?

The trick to working out as a busy mom is focusing on consistency and not duration. Be active when you can, even if it's chaotic. If you work outside of the house, get up twenty minutes earlier to get your workout in. Skip the gym and learn how to work out effectively at home to save time. And if you're working out with kids, learn to embrace the chaos and find unique ways to keep them entertained.

What is a good workout for busy schedules?

The best workout routine is the one you'll stick to! Aiming for workouts that are roughly 20 minutes long and completing them on a regular basis is the best kind fo system. make sure you are constantly challenging yourself with muscle engagement and activation in order to achieve the best results. For long term results like weight loss and muscle tone, opt for strength training at home over cardio-based workouts.

How many times per week should you work out?

Strive to work out four times per week for 20-30 minutes. On the days you're not working out with a plan, aim to just be active. Stretch, go for walks, and play with your kids. This will give you the best results.

Other Resources To Help You With Your Fitness Goals

Getting back into a workout routine as a busy mom is scary. Make sure to self test for diastasis recti, learn more about how to heal diastasis recti, and rock these crucial postpartum exercises before diving in.

And below is a few more resources to make sure you kick off your fitness journey the RIGHT way!

  • Why you should avoid jumping postpartum
  • The best busy mom workout
  • Everything you need to know about your pelvic floor
  • How to do push ups when you're a complete beginner
  • Glute training 101: everything you need to know
  • The ultimate guide to at home workouts
  • 6-week fat loss workout plan
  • 10 minute diastasis recti workout
  • 3 day dumbbell workout plan
  • the best back exercises you can do at home
  • At home shoulder workout for moms
  • Follow-along at home workouts
  • Fitness tips for busy moms

Remember, a lot goes into fitness goals as a busy mom. And a good night's sleep can have a major effect (jokes on us, who gets sleep!). Factor in eating healthy and you truly do need a well-rounded approach.

That said, it is %100 to start with one thing, crush it, and then move on to the next.

A new workout routine can be a bit daunting. Take the time to figure out a plan and you'll be better off and well on your way towards achieving your goals.

The BEST Busy Mom Workout Schedule (with sample programs!) (2024)


The BEST Busy Mom Workout Schedule (with sample programs!)? ›

Busy moms can find time to exercise by choosing activities they love, involving their kids in their workout routine, turning mundane tasks into exercise opportunities and creating workout challenges with friends.

What's the most effective workout schedule? ›

A Sample 7-Day Workout Routine
  • Monday: Lower Body Strength Resistance Work. Use handheld weights or machines. ...
  • Tuesday: Cardio and Core. Run, hike or cycle. ...
  • Wednesday: Cardio and Mobility. ...
  • Thursday: Upper Body Strength. ...
  • Friday: Cardio and Full Body. ...
  • Saturday: Active Recovery and Flexibility. ...
  • Sunday: Endurance Cardio.
Jan 30, 2024

How do busy moms find time to workout? ›

Busy moms can find time to exercise by choosing activities they love, involving their kids in their workout routine, turning mundane tasks into exercise opportunities and creating workout challenges with friends.

How do I find a workout routine that works for me? ›

As you design your fitness program, keep these points in mind:
  1. Think about your fitness goals. ...
  2. Make a balanced routine. ...
  3. Start slow and go forward slowly. ...
  4. Build activity into your daily routine. ...
  5. Plan to include different activities. ...
  6. Try high-intensity interval training. ...
  7. Allow time for recovery. ...
  8. Put it on paper.

What is the number 1 best exercise? ›

Walking. Walking is simple, yet powerful. It can help you stay trim, improve cholesterol levels, strengthen bones, keep blood pressure in check, lift your mood, and lower your risk for a number of diseases (diabetes and heart disease, for example).

How do I find time to exercise with kids and work? ›

Workout Tips for Busy Moms and Dads
  1. Fit exercise into small chunks of time. ...
  2. Combine chores and exercise. ...
  3. Join in during play time. ...
  4. Try a gym that has child care. ...
  5. Trade off workout times with your partner or a friend. ...
  6. Use "down time" to multi-task. ...
  7. Exercise as a family.
Jul 1, 2021

How to make time for the gym with a full time job and kids? ›

There are a few ideal options available to working moms.
  1. Option 1: Get up early and do it before work. ...
  2. Option 2: Exercise immediately after work before going home. ...
  3. Option 3: Get your sweat on after the kids go to bed.
Jan 26, 2024

How do busy moms manage their time? ›

Implement a routine: Having a daily routine can help structure your day and ensure that all essential tasks are taken care of. Utilize time management tools: Tools like planners, calendars, and apps can help you keep track of your tasks and manage your time more efficiently. Prioritize tasks: Not all tasks are equal.

How do you juggle a busy schedule? ›

Balancing a Busy Schedule: 6 Dos and Don'ts
  1. Don't over commit yourself: ...
  2. Do make a schedule and stick to it: ...
  3. Don't let your social life take center stage: ...
  4. Do prioritize: ...
  5. Don't push yourself too hard: ...
  6. Do make time for what matters most:

What is a good exercise quote? ›

"Exercise not only changes your body, it changes your mind, your attitude and your mood." "Exercise should be regarded as a tribute to the heart." Good things come to those who sweat.

How do you start exercising when you're out of shape? ›

  1. 10 tips to get you started.
  2. Make the decision. ...
  3. Get a health check if you have any concerns or questions. ...
  4. Set some goals. ...
  5. Find something you enjoy. ...
  6. Incorporate activity into your day. ...
  7. Start low and go slow. ...
  8. Warm up and down.
Aug 6, 2022

What workout should I do to lose belly fat? ›

Aerobic exercise includes any activity that raises your heart rate such as walking, dancing, running or swimming. This can also include doing housework, gardening and playing with your children. Other types of exercise such as strength training, Pilates and yoga can also help you lose belly fat.

What is a good 5 day workout schedule? ›

  • Things You Should Always Do Before And During Training.
  • Monday: Chest and Triceps.
  • Tuesday: Back and Biceps.
  • Wednesday: Rest day.
  • Thursday: Shoulders and Triceps.
  • Friday: Legs and Biceps.
  • Saturday: Rest day.
  • Sunday: Cardio and Core.
May 5, 2021

What is the best 7 day workout schedule? ›

Weekly 7-Day Split Gym Workout Plan
  • Day 1: Chest.
  • Day 2: Back and core.
  • Day 3: Rest.
  • Day 4: Shoulders and traps.
  • Day 5: Legs.
  • Day 6: Arms.
  • Day 7: Rest.
Sep 21, 2022

What is a good 5 day workout routine? ›

Best 5-Day Workout Schedule:

Day 1: chest + (light) triceps. Day 2: back + (light) biceps. Day 3: Rest day + optional core workout. Day 4: shoulders + (heavy) triceps.


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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.