Security Breach Obsession: Various Yandere SCP X Animatronic Cleaner Reader - TheYandereSpecialistEPICNESSQUEEN (2024)

Chapter 1: Getting The Job

Chapter Text

[Hello My Sexy Muffins I am here with a new story and yes ASEXUALS CAN HAVE SEX Being Ace means LACK OF Sexual ATTRACTION NOT LACK OF A SEX DRIVE, LIBIDO, OR HORNNIESS. Asexuals can be horny, NOT all asexuals are sex-repulsed! I am a sex-positive Demisexual. I am only sexually attracted to my partner (love them) but before that, I chose to have casual meaningless sex. AND Asexuals can choose to have sex with their partners. It all depends on the boundaries, respect, and what that Asexual wants. Asexuals can enjoy sex, yes some are grossed out about it.

think of it like this.

A GAY MAN Can marry a woman and have SEX With her and have Without being sexually attracted to a woman. (Which yes this happen a lot in the 50s-90s and still happens today. Where closeted gay men marry and have sex with women. It does not make them any less gay.

It is the same with Asexuals and any sexuality. Having sex with someone does not make you that sexuality!


(If this was true women who were raped by a man would be straight because they were touched by a man same as a man raping a man do you hear how stupid that is THAT IS NOT HOW THIS WORKS AT ALL)

If this was true it would be SO Easy to "BE" straight. Cause all you would have to do is force yourself to sleep with someone of the opposite sex. Humans are FAR More Complex than that and we are NOT just what reproductive organs we have or do not have.

Now please enjoy this chapter and thank you to those who read this whole announcement!

So please enjoy this chapter here!]

(Name's POV)

I dropped my cousin at her birthday party. I walked out of the area that was crowded and went to sit and order a pizza. I was near the DJ place. I push my (Hair color) hair back and groan. I really need to get it cut it is getting too long. It is past my ass for f*cks sake. I look around and see the DJ Music man. God, he is f*cking huge. Not in the sense of big dick energy but still huge. I always had a crush on animatronics when I was growing up. Though that was because I am not attracted to people that are like real. I don't even think I would be sexually attracted to them if they were real, real.

Simping for them and liking them in fantasy is way different than real life. Even in this day and age, no one understands me. I like to simp for fictional characters and have meaningless sex. What is wrong with saying sexless animatronics is neat? When my friend told me they had an adult-themed VIP room with sexy animatronics I almost gagged. Like why do they have to do that to everything? I mean they have dicks and vagin*s that is cool. They did not need to be in strip poles though like Jesus.

Though on the other hand, I had to admit that my libido and sexual trauma made me wonder how good they were in bed. I groan and look at the menu. I should be out looking for a job not think about what is in my animatronics pants. I order a small (fav toppings) pizza and a (fruit flavor) fizzy faz. I watch the waitress walk away and I see something that made me squint to get a better view of it.

'Help Wanted:

Positions: Waitress/Waiter, Janitors, Mechanic and Special ai-

I did not have to read another world! I can get a mechanic job here!?! I did not even think of this place. Once the waitress comes back I ask for an application and start to fill it out. Be careful not to get any food or drink on it. I am genuinely excited. Bouncing a bit. After that was done I ask where I drop it off. She told me where to go. I rushed over to only run face first into a broad chest. I fall on my ass and look up to see none other than Henry Emily! One of the two people who made the animatronics! I was in awe and then fluster cause I just ran into him.

Oh God, f*ck me!

(Henry's POV)

I looked at a cute woman sitting on the ground. She seemed to be in a rush. I hold my hand out. "Are you okay miss?" I ask as I help her up.

"Yeah, I was just... Just heading to drop off my application." She tells me.

"Oh good I was about to get the applications, come with me and I will go over it." He says and she paled like she might pass out.

"R-Right now?" She asks.

"Yes is that alright?" I ask her.

"Yeah!" She says though I can tell she was freaking out. She is so cute!

I lead her to my office and I offer her a seat once in the office and take her application. I look it over. "You have an engineering and robotics degree?"

"Yes." She tells me nodding.

"Do you have experience?" I ask her.

"Not in the workplace." She admits. "No one would hire me and I been forced to work at a diner down the street to make rent."

I nodded and looked at her, I want to get her more. "I will put you on a trial base, you will work under me and William, my partner."

She froze and looked at me shocked. "You mean William Afton, as in Afton Robotics?" She asks.


Her eyes lit up and I felt a knot in my stomach. Why did that happen when she lit up about William? I do not even know this woman. "So when can you start."

"I have to give my old job my two weeks' notice." She admits.

"Okay, so in two weeks you can come here, you will start with me. See you then (Name)." I tell her and she nods rushing out happily.

I watched her leave and then start to think. Who was this breathtaking woman? and Why do I miss her already?

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, I hope that you all enjoyed this, and yes almost all the asexuals I know simp for characters, and a good amount of them like to simp dirty thoughts of fictional characters cause it is fantasy and a lot of them use smut online stories of fictional characters to deal with their libido. Thank you and please stay for the next episode and stay sexy all my muffins!]

Chapter 2: 2 Weeks Later

Chapter Text

[Hello My Sexy Muffins, I am back with a new chapter, in this chapter you be shown around by Henry Emily and Maybe Michael Afton. so please enjoy!]

(Name's POV)

I got up and got dressed. My cousin when I told her I was hired at the Pizzaplex was so jealous. Saying I get to work in the second most awesome place in the world. I laugh at that. She only thought Universal was more amazing than the pizzaplex. I smile and get to work changing into the uniform I had been mailed. It was a cleaning jumpsuit with the words, Animatronic Cleaner on the left side of the chest. I put my hair up and go to where I was told to meet my supervisor.

I walk there and see Henry talking to a dark hair and blue-eyed male. I walk up to them.

"Ah Good morning (Name)." Henry says. "I would like you to meet your supervisor Michael Afton. He is the head of tech Maintenance. Keeping the animatronic up and running. You will be taking a huge load off of him by cleaning the animatronics. Only a few people can train and be trained for it."

I nodded and smile. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Afton." I say at the male who seemed to be a bit older than me by a couple of years.

Who has been staring at me this whole time... "Call me Michael." He says and shakes my hand. "Henry I will show her around where she will have to work."

He nodded. "Do not give Michael to much trouble (Name)." He says. "Come see me at the end of the day."

"Yes, Mr. Emily." I say and watch as he leaves only to follow Michael as he leads me through the pizzaplex. There was much more here than I thought we finally made it to what was label the cleaning bae.

"This is where your office will be and all the supplies you will need. when you are running low you will need to fill out a form to request more. Try to do that at the end of the week." He tells me. "You will go to the animatronics during the night shift to clean them unless they need emergency cleans. Your room is over there if you need sleep. You will work long hours but are allowed to nap as long as you come when paged."

I nod my head.

"Tonight I will train you on how to clean the animatronics one by one. You will need to know how to deal with there. More private mechanics." He explains. "So let me explain that to you now."

He tells me and logs into my computer.

~~~~~~This is where the safe for work for this chapter ends if you want to read the rest go to my archive of our own~~~~~~~

"So the animatronics gears would get jammed or clunky if the tension in them is not released. So my dad and Henry made them a bit more. Mature. They made them have working sex organs that help release the tension. by an org*sm. Or whatever it is that is their version. The Fizzy Faz or any liquid they have is stored in a tank in them and refilled every day. They have sensors that stimulate pleasure when being f*cked or f*cking."

I stared at him in shock as he explains this to me.

"They have an adult mode and child-friendly mode with a switch in the back of their chest cavity." He explains to me. "It is switched to an adult mode for the VIP room and for their tension relief. When in the child-friendly mode they cannot use their parts and they cannot swear or do anything that is not child friendly. At night at closing the switch is turned onto adult mode so they can do what they need to do." He says then stares at me for a moment. "They kmay actually want to have sex with you."

I look at him a bit disturbed. I am a sex-positive asexual. I am not really attracted to anyone... But I do enjoy the physical act of sex. Still, the idea of a nine-foot-tall robot plowing me left me a bit disturbed. Though I wonder if it would be fun. Just because I am asexual does not mean I do not like sex. Sexual acts and interest in sex are not the same as sexual attraction. Hell Gay men in the 80s had wives and kids but were still gay. Anyone can have sex and even now animatronics can too. I nod my head.

"I mean as long as I consent I guess..." I say thinking this will have to be digested so I can think about if I want to do this or not.

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy my sexy muffins!]

Chapter 3: Cake

Chapter Text

[Hello My Sexy Muffins, I am back with a new chapter, and this is your first shift. I hope you all enjoy this chapter here all my muffins!]

(Name's POV)

It is my first shift and I was to first clean Freddy Fazbear. As he got a bratty kid who threw several handfuls of cake at him. She walked into the animatronic cleaning room. There Freddy stood covered in cake. This was not going to be an easy clean at all. Well, might as well show off my skills!

"Hello, I am (Name)." I tell him. "You are Glamrock Freddy?"

"Yes I am, I am sorry to take up your time Miss (Name)." He says and finally looks down at me.

He stares for a second and then scans me. I did not know why he scanned me. It was impressive and a bit weird at the same time.

"You are new here." He states and I nod my head.

"Yes I am, I hope that is not a problem."

"No, no problem at all." He says staring at me.

"Anyways let's first get the cake off of you." I say and began to scrape the crusted cake off of him.

He kept staring at me the whole time I did it too. I wonder what he was thinking. He is some level of sentient after all.

(Glamrock Freddy's POV)

I watched the beautiful (Name) work on me. She had such gentle hands. Slowly taking off layers of crusted cake. Making sure to be gentle with my shell. I would smile more if I could. I like her she is soft and delicate. She worked quickly as well and soon as the majority of the layers were off she began to clean me. She is good at her job that is for sure.

"Why did you want to work here, superstar?" I ask her.

"I got a degree in robotics and such. This was an ideal job to use my degree." She tells me.

I nodded I had noted the degree in her file.

Once I was done cleaning she wiped off her hands with a clean rag. I wonder if she would be willing to help with tension relief. I started to overheat at the thought and my fans kicked on.

"Are you okay?" She asks. "You are not overheated are you?"

I start to become more overheated. She knew what I was thinking. Why else would she ask me that? "No, I am okay, superstar." I lie. "I need to go recharge."

I walked off my fans doing their best to keep me from overheating. She is so beautiful and just the mere thought of her helping made my week in my endoskeleton. Oh, what is this feeling in my circuits? Did I see her more than a coworker? I must of, as I called her superstar. I am programmed to only call guests that. Was she special to me? Or was there a glitch in my code? I am not sure maybe I should talk to Michael. Yes, that will work. I will do that before he leaves for the end of his shift. First I need to charge though.

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done, I hope you all enjoyed it and stay sexy all of my sexy muffins!]

Chapter 4: who next

Chapter Text

sorry not a chapter but which animatronics should be next

A: Sun or Moon

B: Glamrock Chica

C: Pirate Captain Glamrock Foxy

D: Glamrock Bonnie

E: Monty

F: Roxanne Wolf

G: DJ Music Man

comment bellow :D

Chapter 5: Roxy

Chapter Text

[Hello, My Sexy Mufins! I am finally here with a new chapter! The one who won is Roxy, so please enjoy this chapter with The Roxanne Wolf!]

(No One's POV)

Roxy, also known as Roxanne Wolf. She is sitting in her room, telling herself. That she is the best. She seemed to have an ego, and she does have self-esteem issues as well. Maybe it was how she was overlooked. How others seemed to like her Fox counterpart more. Or how she was made after Foxy that she felt she was not as good as him. Either way, it did not seem she was in the best mindset. She is also very competitive and only lets kids win because it is in her programming. Anyone else, she beats them, every time. She was waiting for the new cleaner. She hated the last one. Suddenly, she hears a knock on the door.

A Soft. "Coming in." Came from the other side of the door.

Then a woman walked. Roxy was the next task she had after Freddy for the night. After Roxy is DJ Music Man. She has never met either of them and looks up to see the animatronic Who looks like the badass type of woman.

Roxy looks at her reflection and stops. sh*t, this little woman was f*cking cute. So cute that it made Roxy falter and her face plate heat up. She is beautiful!

"About time you got here," Roxy says and sits on her seat. "We do not get all night. What is even your name?"

"(Name)." She says. "It is nice to meet you too."

Roxy does not say anything as (Name) got to clean her.

(Roxy's POV)

sh*t, she is so f*cking cute, I know. I normally could not swear, but I need to make love to her. Maybe with one of the strap-ons, they sell in the VIP room. We animatronics could have adult fun and were fully functioning with adult entertainment parts. Though we have a child filter that is turned on unless it is after 10 o'clock for the two hours or more of adult parties. Or closing. Rarely were they allowed to not be in child safety mode. Aka a filter.

Except for now, weekends were only open to adults. No cameras or phones or anything is allowed in this area. The idea of being intimate with her. The thought spurred me on a bit. I had to fight down the urge to kiss her.

"So why did you decide to work here?" I ask her.

"I really want to work with animatronics, and they started me on cleaning you guys." She tells me.

Good, she will be staying for a bit, that means. I cannot imagine losing her. I am already feeling better with her near me.

(Hello Animatronics, get your emotional support (Name) today, as they come in an array of skin tones, hair colors, and eye colors, BUY NOW XD)

"You have such lovely hair." She tells me, and I feel my face plate heat up again.

"Yeah! Of course, I do! I am the prettiest animatronic here!" I tell her and then look at her. "You find me pretty, right?"

She stopped and looked at me as she was, brushing my hair. "I- of course you are pretty. There is no question about that." She says. "I mean the hair and stunning golden eyes. They are so beautiful."

I stare at her in shock and then smile at her. I want her, and I will have her and keep her. "Damn right they are." I agree.

She continues doing my cleaning, and we talk. Actually, talk, I really only ever talked to the staff bots. With her though, it feels so natural and nice. Like we were meant to be, and we're always meant to be. I will make her mine no matter what~

I watch her as she packs up at the end of it and heads up. I grab her arm and look at her. "Remember to come back to see me again soon. I mean it," I tell her and let her go after she agrees to return.

I cannot wait.

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done at last! I hope that you all enjoyed it! HOPEFULLY, I remember to do DJ Music Man next! Stay Sexy all of My Sexy Muffins!]

Security Breach Obsession: Various Yandere SCP X Animatronic Cleaner Reader - TheYandereSpecialistEPICNESSQUEEN (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.